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Property Management

Our Points of Difference

1. We are a team of 4 property managers and although an owner and their property will have one dedicated property manager as their first point of contact, it is always nice to know that the other property managers are there as backup should your property manager be away or for any reason.

2. We each have a Direct Dial number that transfers out to our mobiles which enables us to answer most calls and each of us has a weekend duty where all calls are answered.

3. Zero tolerance for rent arrears – We have a very strict rent arrears procedure which we follow on a daily basis and because of this we have almost nil tenants behind in rent. We would be happy to show you our arrears list at any time.

4. Video for Initial Inspections – Not only do we do a detailed written report and photos, we also video the interior and exterior of the property. We feel that using video is a very powerful tool when it comes to tenants vacating and proving what condition the property was in prior to them moving in. The video is saved on our system for future reference.

5. We pride ourselves on our strict tenant selection process and while you can never be 100% sure, we are always pretty damn close. We check at least two references from previous tenancies, we confirm that their driver’s license matches who they say they are, check their credit rating with Citrix and have the ability to check if they have had any orders against them with the Tenancy Tribunal.

6. Property Owner Handbook – We have a very comprehensive 26 page Owners Handbook which is given out to all our new owners once a management authority is signed. In here you will find answers to all questions on how we operate as a property management team and company. While we are not able to give this out prior to signing up with us, I would be happy to let you flip through it, if you would like to make a time to see me in the office.

7. Tenants Handbook – Similar in layout to our Property Owner Handbook, this is a detailed booklet outlining to the tenant what their responsibilities are while renting a property through us here at Ray White Warkworth and what they can expect from us as their Property Managers.

8. Monthly Newsletter – ‘Investor Gate’ – Our newsletter is full of useful information for property Investors. This is sent out on a monthly basis either via email or mail.

9. Nicole Banks our ‘Owner and Team Leader’ was awarded Property Manager of the year 2013 for Ray White New Zealand for her procedures, policies and rent collection, amongst other things. Then, in 2017, Nicole was again recognised in the Annual Awards ceremony as Property Management Support Person of the Year. Nicole is constantly seeking to innovate and manages the team with high expectations for them to perform at a highly professional level.

10. All our property managers hold the NZQA Property management Level 4 certificate which is the highest level in the industry.

These are just a few of our points of difference but we feel that they are enough to set us aside from the rest.